SLAVE DRIVER VERSION 2.0 DEMO Copyright ½1988-1992 MIND over MIDI Productions Written by Darren Stevens Contact: MIND over MIDI Productions P/O Box 56522 Lougheed Mall Postal Outlet Burnaby, B.C., Canada V3J 7W2 tel. (604) 444-4424 fax. (604) 420-6266 This is a demo of SLAVE DRIVER version 2.0. The file "SLV_DEMO.APP" is fully functional except for Save operations. A text file is enclosed that is a tutorial taken from the manual, and a file describing what's new for version 2.02 is also enclosed. As SLAVE DRIVER is a novel and flexible approach to MIDI control, the manual is really a necessity for one to fully understand the program. Atari's DemonSTrator program "DEMOPLAY.PRG" is included, and will take you on a hands-on tour of SLAVE DRIVER and explain many of it's features and functions. RUNNING THE DEMO ---------------- Please cold boot your computer with nothing installed (no mouse accelerators or resident programs) by turning off your computer for about 15 seconds, then turning it on with a blank disk in drive A (TOS 1.4 or greater owners can do a keyboard cold boot). The demo is started by double-clicking on DEMOPLAY.PRG, and will only run in high resolution. If you require a color version, please contact us. Can. US SLAVE DRIVER Version 2.02 $299 $249 Upgrade disks from SLAVE DRIVER 1.5 or UltraMIDI $50 $45 SLAVE DRIVER 2.0 manual $20 $20 SLAVE DRIVER binder $15 $15